25% Progress Report

Our group has been hard at work getting the base of our game up and running! We are very excited to share what we have been up to since development has started just a short few weeks ago!


We have all of our levels planned out in terms of layout and theme. As for playable demos we have the introductory level blocked out and playable. From here we plan to bring the rest of our level sketches from the page into a rough blockout inside Unreal Engine.


Our layout of the story has been taking shape into its final form. A script is being written and animation blocking will begin soon.


The core gameplay is more or less finalized, with more polish and playtesting it should be taking its final shape with the coming weeks. We are playing around with alot of physics based mechanics that the player will be able to interact with in a variety of ways. These types of physics puzzles and object interaction will make up the backbone of our games puzzles and mechanics.


We have all of our asset packs lined up and ready to download into our project. All of them are stylistically similar to one another so that there is no glaring differences between one asset pack to another. On top of that we have our character rigs for both the playable character and the monster. As for for in house assets, they are in the early stages of modeling and will be polished as development carries on.

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